Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hats off to Abhinav Bhindra

Abhinav bhindra,the young shooter have upheld the pride of our nation by earning the golden medal at the Beijing olympics.This is really a golden moment as mentioned rightly by the Indian PM Dr.Manmohan singh.Though,he is just in the mid twenties,the fact that he has been awarded the highest award to a sportsman(THE RAJIV GANDHI KHEL RATNA) apart from many other medals and laurals,simply speaks for him.His gesture after winning the gold was simply of that of a champion.He is undoubtedly a champion,not only in shooting,but also in academic part which has also been proved.This great effort has to be appreciated without doubt.Abhinav Bhindra fulfilled the dream of billion and more people..............kudos for that

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